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EDL Membership Website$10

 Financial Recipients

"Our vehicle keeps breaking down on us. The mechanic says it will be a lot of money to repair. I have been relying on public transit and uber to go needed places like the doctors office. I do not feel safe traveling around anymore with my family. This month will be easier on me knowing that I can afford our medications and afford to get around town too. Thank you EDL for your support."

Eric G.

"I receive disability, I do not have enough for basic means like internet or trash, definitely not any insurance outside of Medicare. This causes such stress & pressure on me every day of my life. But because of the compassion of those at EDL, I have an emergency need that can be met and a day in life I can enjoy, even if only one. They are a blessing from God."

Stellar D. 
Happy Client

"You are a wonderful and grateful blessing to me and my household. I prayed for an answer to help me with unexpected utility bills. Paying those bills meant less food on the table. I am so joyful that you came in the nick of time. This assistance has prevented dismay and saved my budget. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Constance S.
Happy Client
  • Today's payment
  • EDL Membership Website$10
  • Future payments
  • $10

All prices in USD
